10 '*************************************************************************** 20 ' Compensation of frequency response of device under test (DUT) with 30 ' equalization file. 40 '*************************************************************************** 50 FOR I=1 TO 10: PRINT : NEXT I: ' Cleans screen 60 UPL OUT "*RST": ' Loads UPL default setup 70 UPL OUT "INP:TYPE GEN2": ' Internal connection to generator channel 1 80 UPL OUT "SENS:FILT:AWE ON": ' AWE filter in RMS measurement simulates ... 90 ' ... the frequency response of a DUT 100 UPL OUT "SOUR:SWE:MODE AUTO;:SOUR:FREQ:MODE SWE2": ' Auto sweep 110 UPL OUT "SOUR:FREQ:STAR 100 HZ": ' Start frequency 120 UPL OUT "SOUR:FREQ:STOP 15000 HZ": ' Stop frequency 130 UPL OUT "DISP:TRAC:OPER CURV": ' Selects curve plot 140 UPL OUT "INIT;*WAI": ' Initialization of sweep again 150 UPL OUT "DISP:CONF AP": ' Shows analyzer panel and graphic panel 160 UPL GTL U: ' Switches to local mode 170 PRINT "Look at graphic panel!" 180 PRINT "UPL shows uncompensated" 190 PRINT "freq. response of DUT!" 200 INPUT "Any key to continue: ";X$ 210 UPL OUT "CALC:EQU:INV ON": ' Inverts the trace of the DUT and ... 220 UPL OUT "MMEM:STOR:LIST EQU,'MYEQU.VEQ'": ' ... stores it as equal.file 230 UPL OUT "SOUR:VOLT:EQU:STAT ON": ' Selects the use of equal.file 240 UPL OUT "MMEM:LOAD:LIST EQU,'MYEQU.VEQ'": ' Loads equal.file 250 UPL OUT "INIT;*WAI": ' Initialization of sweep again 260 PRINT : PRINT "Look at" 270 PRINT "graphic panel again!" 280 PRINT "UPL shows now" 290 PRINT "compensated frequency" 300 PRINT "response, using" 310 PRINT "equalization file!" 320 INPUT "Any key to continue: ";X$ 330 END